Dear SIM Cleveland members and friends,
We strive to provide quality programs, speakers, events and networking for IT executives. My goals for our chapter is to grow our membership and increase our sponsorships. The more we can grow our membership and support through sponsorships, the more money we can redirect to the next generation of IT professionals, in the form of IT scholarships. We always welcome your participation, at whatever amount of time and/or expertise you may be able to commit. If you have an interest in helping our chapter grow, via sponsorship, recruiting, or any other way, we would be happy to talk with you about opportunities. There are board positions available, committee participation, and always the opportunity to connect us with potential topics/speakers that would be of interest to our membership.
We will be continuing to update our website with content about the Cleveland chapter for our membership, including current and past presentations, as well as upcoming events.
Please contact any of the Board members with questions.