SIM’s wealth of information and outreach capacity is a direct result of its diverse membership. In addition to being IT leadership-focused, SIM membership spans across industries, concentrations and professions. To continue fostering a valuable membership experience, ensuring a quality exchange, and representative influence, SIM's four member categories are:
A senior-level IT professional in either a public or private sector organization meeting the following criteria:Corporate/divisional head of a corporate or divisional IS organization.Member of an IS management staff supporting corporate/divisional IS heads with key management roles, as certified by the head of the organization.
A full-time university or college faculty member making a significant contribution to the IS field.
Leaders at the partner/principal level who influence the direction of their own company or their clients’ companies, and who directly contribute to the IS profession.
Other leader
A non-IT executive such as vendor, recruiter or leader from another profession who has a major role in matters impacting strategic IT direction.* SIM adheres to a strict policy against marketing or commercial activity
Join our SIM Indianapolis Chapter today.
Indianapolis Membership Application
SIM's membership year is January 1-December 31.