2022 Proposed By-Laws Changes

The SIM Detroit chapter by-laws must be reviewed biennially. An ad-hoc committee was formed to perform the review and has recommended the following changes. These proposed changes have been reviewed and accepted by the Executive Committee.

Formal adoption of these changes will occur with an affirmative vote by the chapter membership.  This vote will be called during the chapter’s annual business meeting on November 17th, 2022.

By-Laws Summary of Changes

Article I – Purpose and Activities

  • Cleaned up definitions / abbreviations

Article II - Membership

  • Broadened the definition of “Practitioner” in response to the changes in traditional IT responsibilities. Today, with the strong adoption of SAAS products, executives with responsibility for technology are no longer limited to the IT department. We want to recognize this change and welcome executives from other departments, providing they have the requisite knowledge, experience, and responsibilities necessary to contribute meaningfully to the chapter as Practitioners.
  • Clarified that consultants and academics who possess the requisite knowledge, experience, and responsibilities necessary to contribute meaningfully to the chapter are considered Practitioners.
  • The Emeritus definition was removed as it is redundant. Retired members are already referenced in the Membership Policy section.
  • Created an exemption in Restrictions for the short marketing “commercial” that official sponsors of chapter meetings are granted.

Article IV – Executive Committee

  • Clarified that voting decisions are made by a simple majority with the exception of expulsion, where 3/4ths approval is required.

Article V – Chapter Officers

  • Clarified that Deputy Chairpersons are considered chapter officers.
  • Added a permanent officer position, Vice President of Special Events, in recognition of the work Jef Fisk and his ad-hoc committee have done in planning and running the chapter’s CIO summits for the past several years, and the expectation this type of activity will be an annually recurring chapter function.
  • Clarified that the Vice President of Sponsorship is responsible for securing payment from sponsors.

Redlined version of the 2022 SIM Detroit proposed by-laws