
Upcoming Event
November 29th
Noon - 1pm
Location: Zoom
Virtual Roundtable 9: DevSecOps

For our next RoundTable event, we are teeing up the topic of DevSecOps which stands for Development, Security, and Operations. It's an approach to culture, automation, and platform design that integrates security as a shared responsibility throughout the entire IT development lifecycle. DevSecOps practices, including continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines, enable organizations to respond to security and reliability events quickly and efficiently and to produce resilient and secure software on a predictable schedule and budget. DevOps isn’t just about development and operations teams anymore. If you want to take full advantage of the agility and responsiveness of a DevOps approach, IT security must also play an integrated role in the full life cycle of your apps. DevSecOps is more important than ever with nearly two thirds of software applications spend forecasted to be in the cloud by 2025. Attackers are setting their sights on Kubernetes, leveraging common security oversights, and they are becoming more sophisticated in how they conduct these attacks.

Learn about the evolving risk, trends, and DevSecOps best practices for keeping DevOps pipelines moving as the attack surfaces grow. Our next RoundTable session will again be a virtual Zoom session on Tuesday, November 29th from noon to 1pm.

We are very fortunate to have Julie Hubbard, the VP of Cloud Security at HealthEquity, agree to provide us with her expertise and perspective on what she and her team are doing to execute these process transformations. After Julie finishes her talk, we will move into a single breakout session so that that everyone attending will have the opportunity to ask Julie questions and also share any of your own company's narratives and best practices.