SCSIM Fall Event 2015

September 30, 2015


The Southern California Disruptors | How Startups and the New Innovation Culture in Southern California are affecting IT 


3:00 - 3:45 PM Registration and Networking

3:45 – 4:00 PM Introductions and Announcements

4:00 – 4:40 PM Michelle Khine

4:40 – 5:10 PM André van der Hoek

5:10 – 5:45 PM Networking Break

5:45 – 6:15 PM Speaker

6:15 – 6:55 PM Panel Discussion

6:55 – 7:00 PM Closing Remarks

7:00 - 8:30 PM Dinner

Initially the hallmark of Northern California: Startups, innovation, and their digital impact is not just attached to Silicon Valley anymore. Here in Southern California, from Silicon Beach to Southern California universities, the innovative startup scene has grown to become a dominant player in business. As a result, these California disruptors are starting to significantly impact established enterprises. Those savvy enough to take advantage of their discoveries will find they have a distinct advantage.

Conversely, established companies in Southern California must be aware of the new challenges that are developing, particularly the competition for talent. On SEPTEMBER 30, we'll convene at the Long Beach Marriott to take explore the effects of the tidal wave of startups hitting our beach. Engaging thought leaders will relate their applicable experiences crucial to participating in the new business environment developing around us. These leaders include:

  • michelle-khine
    Multiple startup founder and UCI professor, Michelle Khine
    - Named one of Forbes '10 Revolutionaries' in 2009 and Fast Company Magazine's one of the '100 Most Creative People in Business' in 2011, Michelle has started the following companies: Novoheart, a cardiotoxicity screening company; A Hundred Tiny Hands, which sells educational science kits for schools; and Shrink Nanotechnologies Inc. She is also a featured TEDx speaker, was awarded the NIH New Innovator's Award, and was named a finalist in the World Technology Awards for Materials.

  • andre
    Head of UCI Software Design and Collaboration Lab, André van der Hoek -
    Both in the classroom and assisting innovative startups, André seeks to assist developers with innovative new software tools that match how they try to work on a daily basis.  His results are creating visionary new approaches that radically change how software is developed altogether.

  • steve-kovsky
    Moderator, Steve Kovsky
    - A veteran journalist and author, Steve has covered all aspects of information technology for over 20 years in print, radio, television and online. A resident tech expert for radio and television stations in Southern California, Steve is also a prolific writer whose body of work has been widely read by both IT professionals and consumers worldwide. He has held editorial management positions at UBM/TechWeb, IDG Enterprise, CNET Networks/CBS Interactive, ZDNet/TechTV, Ziff-Davis, and Global Sources. Steve also served as Principal Analyst and Research Leader for Consumer Electronics.

The future belongs to those who see possibilities before they become obvious. This event presents a great opportunity to take a glimpse of the future, and begin to harness these disruptive local forces right now. Don't miss this exciting and thought provoking event! Kindly mark your calendar and RSVP.

Event Sponsored by... UGovernIT

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