SIM Portland Chapter President - Saby Waraich

Greetings, SIM Portland members!

As your newly appointed Chapter President, I am thrilled to embark on this journey with all of you.

This past month has been vibrant with activities and events that highlight the strength and engagement of our community.

May Events Recap

We started the month with our May Chapter Meeting on May 8th, where Jeff Oltmann delivered an inspiring talk on "Surfing the Chaos: A Discussion About Leading Change."

His insights into leadership in dynamic environments were both thought-provoking and highly relevant.

A group of people sitting at a table during SIM Portland meeting

I also had the opportunity to attend the SIM Leadership Summit in Dallas, Texas, with

Sacha Basho, Bikram Day, Linu Parappilly, and Dr. Jimmy Godard representing the SIM Portland Chapter. 

It was a great event for Chapter leaders and had over 100 chapter leaders from 37 chapters.

The event had a reception, keynotes by Tissa Richards and Dacia Coffey, talks on SIM's 2024 strategy, networking, and interactive "Ted-style Talks."

Networking with fellow leaders was invaluable, and the discussions provided fresh perspectives on tackling today's tech challenges.

A group of people taking a selfie at SIM National meeting

The summit ended with awards and a reception.  The next day, the SIM Women Leadership Summit started with professional development and networking. 

Introducing Our New Board Members

I am also excited to introduce our new board member Surekha Reddy, who has joined us to lead our Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging initiatives.

Her expertise and passion in this area will undoubtedly bring significant value to our chapter.

Sacha Basho, Vikranth Vaddi, Jerry Young, Bikram Day, and Lisa Harper have been re-elected for another term, a testament to their outstanding contributions to our chapter.

Their diverse experiences and dedication will enrich our chapter's activities and initiatives.

Upcoming Events

Looking ahead, we have several exciting events lined up:

  • Chapter Book Club Meeting: The next book club meeting is scheduled for June 5th, and we will discuss Ethan Mollick's book Co-Intelligence. This is an excellent opportunity to [benefits of participating in the book club].  
  • Summer Social Event: This is a perfect opportunity to unwind and connect with fellow members in a relaxed setting. The date will be announced soon!
  • The 24th Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament is on September 5th. Join us for fun and networking while supporting local scholarships.  
  • Portland SIMposium is scheduled for October 9th. This is an all-day conference and networking event with an amazing line up of speakers. Stay tuned for more information.

I strongly encourage all members to actively participate in these upcoming events. Your involvement is crucial to the success of our chapter. Together, we can achieve great things and continue to grow both personally and professionally.

Thank you for your support, and I am eagerly looking forward to meeting you at our upcoming events. Your presence will make these events even more special.

You can always reach me through email: or connect with me on LinkedIn:

Message from the President 2020


SIM Portland Thanksgiving & Holidays 2021 - 11/28/2021
I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you for being part of such a wonderful IT community, and to also thank all those in volunteer positions in the Chapter for their dedication and gift of their time. There are many Chapter programs and activities. From the Board of Directors, to those involved with the different committees, from the Golf Tournament, to STEM outreach, and to the Book Club ... (cont.)

SIM Portland Program Year Ends - 6/30/2020
Apologies for my late June blog, things have been busy…which is good. Unfortunately, the planned attempt to re-open the State and the economy have shown the virus‘ insidious nature. Masks have gone from being voluntary, to being required in public, indoor spaces. The careful emergence from our cocoons seem for some to have turned into a defiant return to the way it was, allowing the virus to take hold once again. Portland and Oregon seem to be fairing a lot better ... (cont.)

SIM Portland Reinvention - 5/30/2020
The COVID-19 response continues to evolve. We are starting to see Phase 1 reopening in many Oregon counties, though it looks like Multnomah County will be the last to do so. We are still a long way away from in person SIM Chapter events. Hopefully if we reach Phase 2 and there is no relapse, we will be be able to safely hold in person events with the start of next year's programs in September. ... (cont.)

Welcome to a New Year at SIM Portland - 4/20/2020
I find myself writing my first Presidential update in a very interesting time. Like all of you, I have been following the "Stay Home, Save Lives" mandate and am holed up at home with my family. ... (cont.)