Joining SIM connects you with top IT leaders in the industry, including: CIOs, senior IT executives, prominent academicians, consultants, and other top IT professionals.
Why invest in membership? There are many other benefits to being a SIM member, such as:
Local meetings and events - with 43 SIM chapters, members around the country have multiple opportunities to network, exchange information, and learn about what's new in the industry. Members also have access to past event materials (log-in required) including slides, video and handouts.
Discounts to and national event - meet other IT executives at a regional CIO Forum or at SIM's premier annual event, SIM Connect Live.
Professional Job Transition support - SIM's Members-In-Transition (MIT) Program is our go-to resource whether you are in transition or simply keeping an eye out for your next opportunity. The MIT Program offers top-notch resources from major search firms, tips for managing your career, and much more. SIM members can participate in the weekly conference calls and email groups where leads and advice are shared.
Special interest working groups - our forums a powerful way to gain a professional edge through collaboration with peers across industries and geographies. The following groups are available to SIM members:
Targeted industry insights - SIM's Advanced Practices Council (APC) is a community of CIOs who commission academic research on IT management topics. APC research reports feature real-world case studies and applications, providing important actionable insights that are made available to all SIM members. In partnership with SIM, the APC Leading Edge Research Series is a monthly broadcast of interviews on hot, relevant topics with such renowned researchers as Dr. Lynda Applegate of the Harvard Business School. Each interview will include time for questions and leave you with actionable insights and take-aways you can use.
Each year, SIM conducts the IT Trends Study survey of its members to gauge trends within our industry. The responses from our experienced membership helps to benchmark various areas within the IT industry such as major issues, technologies, sourcing, CIO roles, staffing, spending, and salaries. The valuable survey input allows SIM to speak with a unified voice for our members, who are among the most accomplished and innovative leaders in the industry.
Specialized journal - MIS Quarterly Executive (MISQE) is a journal dedicated to publishing high-quality research that IT executives can use. This is not the theoretical stuff of academic journals, this publication grew out of the need for current, practical research. SIM members have access to the entire MISQE Reference Library, which contains a listing of all articles published since its inception in June 2002.
Leadership development - SIM's Regional Leadership Forum (RLF) is an intensive, nine-month program focused on creating authentic leaders. It is designed to help CIOs develop their high potential IT leaders/managers. SIM members receive a discount.
Opportunities to give back - SIM offers an active STEM outreach program to support the future IT workforce development. Chapters have sponsored STEM initiatives from kindergarten through college. This outreach has drawn almost $200,000 in annual donations for an assortment of national programs.
Enjoy a subscription to SIM's weekly newsletter - SIM Connect tackles today's most relevant issues, gathered from sources like The Associated Press, The New York Times, Financial Times and the leading industry publications. SIM Connect keeps professionals informed of topics that impact the daily operation of their business. Access to the archives is also available with SIM membership.
For additional information on membership,