
SIM Portland Communities

Public communities are visible to all.
SIM Member communities require you to log-in. Communities that you belong to will then show up to the right here. 

Portland Chapter News

Check out SIM Portland News where you can browse the Chapter emails and event announcements. 

Portland Member Forum

Check out the SIM Portland member community where you can browse the profiles of SIM Portland members, and start discussions on whatever technology or leadership issues that you are dealing with.

Current topics of discussion

SIM Portland Member Forum - hidden Easter Egg on the website

  • As the incoming Chapter President, I have been doing some work cleaning up the Chapter website, removing bad links, updating content and information listed. Whilst I was poking around I found the "Communities" area and discovered that there is an entire bulletin board/discussion area that is available to Chapter members. I thought I would make this inaugural post to this and invite people to check it out. Let's see how we might use it to get more engagement between members around areas of interest, such as business verticals, leadership skills, and different technology areas.
    Please respond to this post with areas of interest that you have, and would like to connect with people on.
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